Red Roses Bouquet – Choose your Own
Don’t want 12, 24, 36 or 50 roses, but want to decide the number for yourself? Or have a special occasion that you want to match the number of roses to (16th birthday, 32nd wedding anniversary, etc)? Make up your own red roses bouquet – up until 100! Want more than 100 roses? Add 2 or more bouquets to your order and ask us to combine them for you in the notes column.
Your red roses bouquet will include the following:
- Wrapped in a beautiful sleeve
- Greenery
- Million star
- Message card with your personal message
Delivered to your recipient in Gauteng on weekdays and Saturdays.
Flowers are only available for deliveries in Gauteng. Picture shows a bouquet of 50 red roses for reference. Your bouquet will include the number of roses you select.
Please make sure you select the correct amount of roses from the drop down below.